
Conversations with Sunny Coast Stucco

interior stucco painting ideas
del cerro california

Meet the Owner

My name is Andy Estrada. I’ve been in the business for about 23 years. I’ve been in this since I was 17 years old. I didn’t think that I was going to stay in the trade this long. I love it. I enjoy seeing from the start to finish. I am a very hands-on owner. I’m going to be on site almost every day, tools on. It’s something that a lot of companies don’t do too much. My whole goal is to provide quality work.

Why Choose Sunny Coast Stucco

With Sunny Coast, you are going to basically have someone that knows the trade, knows everything that needs to be done the correct way. If we do a job, it – to do it right and not have to get a call back later to come back and fix something. We know how things are done. There’s a process. Things have to be cured. You are going to get a personal touch with the owner, with the team. When I show up on site to meet the homeowner, client, the first thing I ask is what is your vision in regards to your project? I assess the project. We have a walkthrough. I see things that are going to be needed. I provide advice.


When choosing Sunny Coast, you are going to have that owner that is going to be hands-on. You are going to get a personal touch. With Sunny Coast, you are always going to know ahead of time what are going to be our phases, how things are done, curing times. You’re always going to have great communication. With stucco, there’s about four different phases. Between those phases, there is going to be curing times. Sometimes we have to mask, leave things covered or exposed just because things are done in a certain way.


The first thing I ask when somebody is going to, let’s say, re-stucco their home because they don’t like their existing color or texture, I’m always going to ask what’s going to be the texture that you are looking into? Every stucco texture application is different. There are some typical ones. There’s some a little bit more smoother. We have a pamphlet from a couple of our stucco manufacturers. You choose – there’s about 45 colors from each company. If you want something custom, a different color, of course we can do that also.

Something about Sunny Coast as in specialty, we are very good to find stucco water intrusions. Sometimes, when the prior contractor or homeowner installs the weather barrier paper and stucco netting behind your actual stucco and it’s not properly lapped or sealed, when we get these rains, since stucco is porous, it goes through the stucco and it goes into your home. Actually, one of our expertise is to be able to find and locate the point of intrusion so we can make sure that the homeowner feels a relief. As you know, if the water goes into your home, it can create mold, mildew, all sorts of water damage.

On the Job

A little bit about our stucco process, the first step is you have to install a weep screed, which is a piece of metal or plastic that is going to be above your finished floor, such as concrete. Our second step is, this is the true weather barrier paper of your actual home or building. This is what’s going to prevent any type of moisture going into. Actually, what is going to hold your stucco, it’s going to be this stucco netting. This is called structalath. This is nailed very 16 inches on center, 6 inches vertically.

How the stucco terminates, there’s always going to be a corner bead, which is going to be either a straight or bullnose corner. There’s always going to be a stucco stop. It’s called a milcor, which is this edge right here. As you can see, the stucco is always going to terminate at a window, door or just up to a soffit or eave all the way up. A little bit about this section on this new build is, if you take a look at this soffit, basically you’re going to have stucco on this horizontal surface.


We do install these expansion control joints because it’s such a big area. These expansion joints are going to prevent from stucco cracking. If you do not have this expansion, after it’s all set and done, you might see cracks all over the place. At least, this is going to help and prevent from your stucco cracking after final application.

About Andy Estrada

He’s been doing it for a very long time. I was proud of him when he got his license and was able to do it for himself with his own business. He works well with all of his other sub-trades. As a team player, he’s great. He is a good communicator with his clients. Overall, he’s a good guy. He always wants to do right by his clients.


Sometimes clients will come in and say that they want to re-do the whole house. If he doesn’t feel that it’s absolute necessary, he’ll give them options and information about the dos, don’ts, why’s and why nots, and then leave that up to the client ultimately. It’s not like he’s about trying to oversell or upsell anything. He just wants them to be happy and get what it is that they’re looking for.

Why Choose Stucco

We do have a good amount of general contractors that we have been working for the last 10, 15 years. Usually, if a homeowner is in need of a repair or they’re doing a new build, they can find us on our website. They can fill out their information, submit pictures, a video, any type of notes. Usually, we get back the same day and schedule a site visit, usually within a week. We’re able to provide an estimate of things that are going to be needed for that homeowner or contractor.

Uncommon Knowledge About Stucco

When it comes to the stucco world, I think some people would assume that because of what it’s made out of, it’s indestructible, or it’s going to last a lifetime. Yes, it does last longer than, for instance, a wood siding or such. With maintenance, it can last quite a long time. There are lots of variety of textures that you can pick for stucco that some people may not be aware of. Nowadays, they’re coming up with materials that are green, per se, that also can insulate for heat and hold in for cooling.

It’s amazing nowadays what’s available in the stucco world, actually, compared to just a simple wood siding and such. Not to mention all the variety of textures. You can mimic something that was built 80, 100 years ago. You could go with something more mainstream that’s super smooth and slip. It looks like a concrete slab from the outside. Pretty much anything that you’re looking for with the types of materials that we use nowadays that are available, we can probably make.

What Makes Sunny Coast Different

Their experience that they’re going to get starting from it being easy contacting us, getting the information that they need and scheduling something if necessary, to the point of contact with Andy, asking all the questions. That way, he can get down to the bottom of what it is that you need. Andy, which is the co-owner, is very hands-on. He really likes to go out and get the guys started so that everybody is on the same page of work. That way, the client is happy as well.


He always likes to do the final walkthroughs at the end. Sometimes the bigger companies, I guess you could say, they can’t be at 15 places at once. That – us being a smaller, family based and owned company, you get a little bit of a more one-on-one touch. If you’re a homeowner, a property manager who just wants to be in good hands and knows that we’re going to let you know what’s necessary, needed, and get it done in a timely manner, open and honestly with integrity, well, then I think that it speaks for itself.

Why should a homeowner have confidence in hiring Sunny Coast Stucco

I think a client would enjoy the experience with Sunny Coast. We try to make it as simple as possible. You can find us on our website. There’s a simple contact form. Filling it out, it sends you a link. You can send a picture, a video, and give us a scope of what it is that you need to have done. That way, with that information, we can get right back to you, potentially even give some ballpark numbers. That way, if you’re still interested, then we can go ahead and schedule an appointment, so you’re not wasting your time and waiting around if it’s not necessary.

We try to stay in communication as much as possible with our clients once we are [inaudible] the bid, explain the whole process and the timing that it takes to have something like that done. Communication is always what we try to use as our largest strength, I would say. I think that our clients’ feedback has always been that’s what they appreciate the most.

Customer Feedback

I am happy to say that the feedback that I have gotten from our clients is that they do appreciate Andy’s attention to detail. He really likes to explain the process, as in how much time it’s going to take. Sometimes you can come in for one visit and the structure and such is put on. Then you have to realize, there’s a curing time involved. That can take two to three weeks. The longer it cures, the actual better long-term result you’re going to have, less of the lines, cracks, etcetera. Then you would still have to come back for the actual color code itself. It’s a process.


Obviously, the larger the scope of work, the project, the house, the building, a little bit longer it can take. I think that’s one of the most often question that I would get from a client is wondering about things like that. If somebody is coming in and doing it all in one day, I would have my reservations and questions about it. When you’re pricing things out, you just want to make sure that you’re judging apples for apples when you’re getting your quotes. I will say that we’re probably not the least expensive. We’re not the most, either.


I think that you will be happy with the service. There are no cutting corners. We pride ourselves in our work and workmanship. My feedback from clients has always been those things; that they enjoy working with Andy and his guys and the fact that we really like to communicate.

Start to Finish

As you know, the west coast, you are going to see a lot of stucco here. It’s something very common. It tends to keep homes fresh. Basically, after a house or a building gets constructed out of wood framing or metal studs, you need to install a weather barrier paper that is going to protect the actual building from any moisture. It’s going to have a stucco netting, which is going to hold all your stucco together in place. It’s going to get nailed on 16 on center, every 6 inches. It’s going to have a weep screed. A weep screed is a piece of metal which goes along the foundation of the building.


All stucco is going to be, typical, 7/8 of an inch. It’s going to have flashings around openings such as windows and doors. There’s two types of stucco that are actually used. One’s going to be your traditional stucco. Another one, which is used a lot on the coast, it’s going to be your acrylic stucco. It tends to be more flexible, fades less, cracks less. Like I said, when you have a house or a building that’s so close to the ocean, you cannot use a traditional type. It would actually destroy or eat up your stucco. Nowadays, you have to go with an acrylic, which is basically a moisture resistant type of stucco.

Should I Repair or Rebuild

When it comes to stucco repairs, it can be an old building. It can be something that’s fairly new. Maybe a UPS truck ran into the back or the side of a wall. We can repair all of that to make it look like nothing ever happened when it comes to new construction. Then there’s always the older construction that – maybe before certain codes came out and such. There’s deterioration of it that we can come in and repair.

Preventing Water Damage to Stucco

Any house built before the ‘80s, they used to stucco all the way down to your dirt, soil, cement, concrete. Now, they are installing a stucco weep screed. It’s installed at two inches from finished floor concrete. It’s installed between four and six inches from any type of soil. It tends to prevent any moisture from waking up under your stucco. Fifty percent of our calls are for stucco that is damaged. The only way to actually fix and solve the problem is to install a weep screed.

Addressing Window Leaks

When the flashing and weather barrier paper on a window that is out of stucco, it’s not properly done right, you tend to get water coming in and going in through the wood framing, into your drywall. How we tend to locate these types of leaks, we usually get a water hose. We start from the bottom. We have another team member on the inside.


We basically soak these walls until we can see, since the stucco is porous, that the water is coming in. Sometimes it may take five minutes. Sometimes it might take an hour. Usually, we’re pretty good at that. We see from the initial visit. We inspect the inside. We ask the homeowner, what do they see when it’s raining? If it’s a water leak you have, we can find it.

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