Durability of stucco

The Durability of Stucco on Exteriors

Stucco is an ideal material for parts of the country like San Diego where our hot dry climate can wreak havoc on lesser materials. The durability of stucco is clear. If you were wondering does stucco last on building’s exteriors, wonder no more. Industry standards say well-maintained stucco can last for at least 20 years and there are stucco owners who state, with proper care, often extend longer than that.

Why is Stucco So Durable?

Most stucco mixtures include four ingredients: water, lime, cement, and sand. That makes stucco very sturdy, and capable of maintaining its shape and form for decades. This combination makes the durability of stucco long lasting and amazingly strong. Some form of stucco has probably been used throughout the history of the world. They probably used it in ancient Egypt!

But as with any building material, stucco will age over time due to constant exposure to the elements.

After about 20 years, when stucco ages, it may begin absorbing moisture, especially around windows or areas of drainage. Water is an enemy of stucco and often cause flaking, discoloration or even the stucco to separate from the wall beneath it. At this point, repairs are required, or by the time the stucco has aged another 10 to 20 years, it will break down entirely.

Think of Stucco like your roof. It doesn’t last forever. But well cared for, the durability of stucco is without comparison. Strong, fire resistant and generally able to withstand the elements such as heat, wind, rain, and arid climates.

Stucco Care

To maintain your exterior, it’s smart to check the stucco regularly for any signs of cracks, flaking, or other signs of concern. When you find those signs of damage, it is time to call Sunny Coast Stucco.

We bring quality service and skilled craftmanship to every job. We have a thorough understanding of our products and industry standards. Our skilled workers take pride in their work.

There are steps to properly care and maintain your stucco so it does last.


Stucco should be washed on a regular basis. You can do it yourself or hire a good professional power washing company that knows how to properly clean stucco. Please note stucco exterior walls must be cleaned with care and patience so make sure to know what you are doing before going in with a high pressure washer.


Cracks on stucco can be addressed with do it yourself adhesive cement found in any hardware store. But if you are not sure what you are doing or if the damage is in a hard to reach place, please call Sunny Coast Stucco as we have the materials, equipment, and expertise to make the repair safely. We can also check to see if cracks are signs of a greater problem which can be caught early so a little problem doesn’t become a bigger and costlier repair later.


Acrylic-based primers and paints work best for painting the surfaces of stucco walls and facades. If you live in a neighborhood with a homeowner’s association that maintains control over home exteriors, check with the associations before selecting a paint color as they may specific requirements.

• Peeling

If you notice peeling, it is also a sign of concern. Peelings should be cut away cleanly using a painting scraper knife or other cutting tool designed for finer cuts, followed by some adhesive putty or sealant to fill the gap. Keep an eye on it and if it appears to be peeling again or you notice peeling in other areas, this may mean you need a repair or a new paint job. Again, Sunny Coast Stucco can help you evaluate what the problem is.

Contact Us Today

At Sunny Coast we are leaders in our industry. With quality workmanship and attention to details, we want happy satisfied customers. We know the durability of stucco and are pleased to recommend it to our customers.

Sunny Coast Stucco provides Residential & Commercial Stucco Installation, Stucco RepairStucco RenovationExterior & Interior PlasteringNew ConstructionConstruction Defect Repair, Homeowner Associations Services, and more, to the residents and businesses of El CajonLa JollaLa MesaLemon GroveNorth ParkSan DiegoSantee, and surrounding San Diego neighborhoods. 

Please contact Sunny Coast Stucco at (619) 230-5203.


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