One of the best investments that you can make in the San Diego area is to renovate your home or business property. Making improvements over the years ensures your investment pays off, and your place stays in good condition. One improvement that you may consider is upgrading the exterior siding of your property. Sunny Coast Stucco has the experience and skills to provide a quality renovation.
A weep screed is an important piece of your stucco siding. The purpose of a stucco weep screed is to direct any moisture that the stucco has absorbed away from the baseline of the siding. It wicks moisture away from the plate line, where the concrete foundation of the building begins. Skilled installation of your weep screed is critical to direct moisture away and avoid any future water damage.
You may currently have some kind of exterior siding, such as wood, brick, cement, or vinyl for example, that is weathered-looking and/or not properly protecting your home. Time to have Sunny Coast Stucco renovate your exterior to stucco!
This is a versatile finish that can be used on both traditional and synthetic stucco. It can also be sprayed on or applied with a trowel. Float or sand has coarse, fine, and medium patches.